Monday, February 2, 2009

  • Did the Starship Troopers trilogy marathon at Andy and Dawn's with them and Craig. Andy made some killer chili that was with me for days (and remains with me in spirit).

  • Hit up Bierstube with Steph, Andy, Dawn, and Mandie for some Monday night karaoke. The girls did a great job singing while Andy perfected the art of drinking. I just chilled.

  • Finished the first draft of my fantasy-adventure novel, "Hero's Quest." About time.

  • Celebrated the writing milestone by going to Bluecat Brew Pub with (in alphabetical order) Ashley, Craig, Dawn, Denise, and Steph. Played some pool, drank some brew, and had conversation. Good times all around.

  • Went and saw Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.

  • Bradley and I went to Melissa's birthday party at Bluecat. Craig met up with us. It was a good time. Afterwards, the three of us hit up Ross' in Bettendorf and had a round of Breakfast Mountains. That may have been a bad idea...

  • Forgot how awful a movie Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula is. Wow. Just frighteningly bad. And not frightening. The cinematography was alright, but the rest is an incoherent mess. One of these days, someone is going to need to do a good, modern take of that story.

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