Friday, September 5, 2008

Bullet Points with Butterfly Wings

  • My allergies have been driving me crazy. I'm thinking I'm going to have to buy some non-drowsy Sudafed to clear them up. Clariton and Benedryl haven't been working. But I'm getting tired of feeling like crap in my waking hours. It's been five days too much of this.

  • Got together with Mandie last night. Good times. We had coffee then Chinese food and just caught up. Also, we talked about an upcoming project that I'm working on and started syncing up her take of it with my vision. Yes, I said "my vision." This isn't a Notahki or some other quickly shot short. Some preproduction is going into it. Meaning, things like setting, shot lists, and even costuming has to be taken into account. You'll see it soon enough. Plus, Mandie and I have to do a Whedon swap: she's got seasons 3 through 7 of Buffy - which are the one's I haven't seen but have been dying to - and I've got Firefly and Serenity, which she hasn't seen but has been told repeatedly she needs to.

  • Saw Pineapple Express last night with Bradley and Boomer. Saw Tropic Thunder and Hamlet 2 on Wednesday afternoon on my day off. Gotta say, I dug all three of them and want them on my DVD shelf. They're the kind of movies I could throw on when friends are over or have on as background when working on a project. I don't know how often I'd force myself to watch the whole version of each of them, but as background, there are definitely enough parts that would make me go, "Okay, I need to see this scene" which would get my attention. Definitely worth viewing.

  • Am going to the Riverfront Pops tomorrow with the Gendler's crew. Meeting up with Andy, Steve, and Jamie earlier in the day and getting our spot early for the rest of the crew showing up between 4 and 6. There will be a lot of food and spirits. I hear Steve's making garlic potato salad. I'm using Brad's delicious Blue Cheese Cole Slaw recipe and taking that.

  • I'd asked Andy to buy me a six pack of Grain Belt Premium while up in Minnesota this last week (we can't get it in these parts and it's a decent "cheap" beer). He said a six pack wasn't enough and looked to buy me a twelve pack. Since it didn't come in twelves, he ended up buying me a whole case. Wow. Also, he said something about some other beers he picked up that he wants me to sample. And, he saw a life-size Sasquatch doll. And what he calls a "She-squatch." He said something about going the opposite from hobbit - short and hairy to tall and hairy - and something about me marrying it.

  • Allergies are still driving me crazy. I just want to sleep.

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