Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Ever since it came out, I always thought The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was a mediocre movie. Was it enjoyable? Sure, I thought. But there was something off about it. I always felt the movie lacked scope, that it didn't feel "epic" enough for the type of story it was trying to tell. It seemed to lack the charisma that a movie about wonder and magic should have. And, I hated the TV mini-series sounding soundtrack. Despite that, I felt it was passable enough: it wasn't a bad movie, but I didn't (and still don't) think it would have the long-term appeal to become a classic. It just wasn't good enough.

Still, I like fantasy and so it was with high hopes (but low expectations) that I went into The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. And I've got to say, I was thoroughly impressed. The feel of the movie was so different from the first that if it weren't for the child actors (still not the best actors in the world, but passable), I wouldn't have guessed it was even a Narnia sequel. The movie was actually good, not great, but not just okay like its predecessor was. There were times while I was watching it that I found myself thinking "Why couldn't the first movie been more like this?" The world of Narnia seemed more real. Perhaps its because everything wasn't as shiny and new looking in this one. I always felt that the first one lacked that lived in feel, but this one has it. And this one isn't all talking animals: there's a lot more people in this one, which I think made easier to connect with as a viewer. Another thing that made me very happy: the soundtrack felt like a movie soundtrack more than the last one did.

Also, back when the first one came out, I found myself thinking, "The one thing this is missing is a bear with down syndrome." Luckily, this one even packs that in and if you don't laugh the hardest you've ever laughed in a movie in the past five years at down syndrome bear's moment of glory, you have no sense of humor. That alone was worth the price of admission and seriously has me contemplating catching this movie again at a matinée.

So, Jesus Lions and Talking Tigers and Down Syndrome Bears, oh my! This Narnia was much better than the last and actually has me wanting to see a third movie. Which I guess meant it did its job (since the book series has seven books).

For Aslan!

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