Thursday, May 29, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I caught a midnight showing of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull a couple of nights ago. First, let me say, I liked it. I thought it was a fun popcorn movie and it seemed to be over just as quickly as it began for me. Now, before I get into the rest of my review, I'm going to post a SPOILER warning. I'm going to talk about the whole movie here, and a good part of that will deal with details some folks may not to know. So, if you're one of those people, I suggest you leave now...





The following contains SPOILERS:

Still with me? Okay.

I like IJATKOTCS. That isn't to say that it is without flaws, but as far as fun summer adventure movies go, it was enjoyable. But, I do think the movie has some problems.

First and foremost, I think the new Indy movie's biggest problem is what has come before. That's right: I think the other Indiana Jones movies are a negative thing in this case. Why? Because, after nineteen years since the last Indiana Jones, the original three are arguably considered "classics." As such, people who have grown up with Indiana Jones have a tendency to look at the original three movies through rose colored glasses and their memories of them are loaded with fond feelings of nostalgia. That has a way of setting those movies up on a pedestal that is hard to touch. I've seen it done before with fans of the movies Tron and The Last Starfighter, which in all honesty, are quite boring and poorly done movies. I didn't grow up with those two movies and watched them with fresh eyes within the last five years and was shocked that either could have such a devout and rabid fan following. However, I understand that the special effects in each movie were groundbreaking at the time and can understand how a kid or young adult seeing those movies for the first time in that time period would have the emotional experience imprinted on them and therefore when looking back on those movies would judge them based upon the emotional impact and not on the film itself. I'm guilty of it too: I dig The Monster Squad when logic and reason tells me I probably shouldn't.

I think this is what has happened with Indiana Jones. Had they continued making a new one every few years, I doubt it would have happened, as a new film every couple of years can help a series stay "grounded" in reality. But for nineteen years to pass without a new adventure allows the older films to grow into something more in most people's minds.

But the thing is, the old Indiana Jones movies are popcorn movies. Sure, they're popcorn movies that have reached the status of "classic," but they are popcorn movies nonetheless. Still, when dealing with sequels to "classics," popcorn fare or not, I think that sequel, being a new creation, has infinitely more to overcome than a regular sequel, as you are dealing with people's emotional baggage in addition to their sensibilities as a film fan.

So, I think Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has that going against it.

Second, I think one of its problems is the scope. Believe it or not, it's kind of a small movie as Indy movies comes. Which goes back to the other movies being a problem, but it's true. The movie starts in the US, then he goes to South America. Its not the big, epic Indy adventure that most people are used to and as such, I think it could throw a lot of folks off.

Third, I think it has a weak script as far as pushing the adventure forward goes. The story is very Point A to Point B to Point C, with the characters moving on because the adventure seems to demand they do, rather than out of their own ingenuity or desires. I think this is moreso the case in the middle of the movie than the beginning or the end. Once Indy and Mutt reach South America, its very "Okay, we have to go here. Now here. Now we have to do this." I think it gets a bit better once Marion shows up and particularly after the waterfall sequence I felt that problem kind of went away.

The last problem I had with the movie and is really the only thing I felt really absolutely detracted from the movie was the vine swinging sequence. It was just outright dumb and felt kind of George Lucas-inspired. I was watching the movie and thinking, "Really? Are we going here guys?" I would have expected it out of Temple of Doom but here, it felt way out of place.

So, that's what I disliked about the movie. What did I like?

Quite a lot.

Namely, I thought the extra-terrestrial aspect of the story was a nice touch. The moment when we see only the hand of the alien from coffin in Area 51 was nice; when the military officers talk about Indy being one of the people to examine the Roswell wreckage was nice; and the entire end sequence with the thirteen crystal skeletons forming that alien from Close Encounters of the Third Kind was nice. Not to mention the saucer taking off and decimating that valley. I thought the imagery used there was iconic Indiana Jones and wouldn't be surprised to see it used in future references to this movie. I could see some folks having issues with the science fiction elements of the story as opposed to being strictly archaeological/spiritual fare. I would guess these people aren't familiar with the book Chariot of the Gods by Erich von Daniken and I think using that as a base, then the alien plot fits very neatly into the world of Dr. Jones.

Another thing I liked: the 1950s nuclear test site and the image of Indy with the mushroom cloud in the background. Another iconic Indiana Jones image that is burned into my mind.

I think the most important thing the movie had going for it was again, Harrison Ford. Nineteen years may have passed, but dammit if he wasn't Indiana Jones again. He genuinely felt like a continuation of the character and that was important.

Overall, I felt the movie was a fun, fast paced, joy ride. Because of the issues with the script and the stupid Tarzan moment, I would place it behind Last Crusade but not by much. Still, it was way better than Temple of Doom which was all I was hoping for.

Truthfully, I can't wait to see it again and I really hope they do another one. As long as they kept them at least this good, I'm more than willing to continue adventuring with Henry Jones Jr.

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