Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Here are three clips from the upcoming X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

My thoughts? I think it looks like a pretty decent X-Men movie. Definitely looks better than the previous entry into the series, X-Men: The Last Stand. Actually, if I had to judge based just on the trailer, I'd say it looks better than just about any of the flicks in the series. Kinda dark and gritty. There's been a lot of negative buzz on the movie, mainly that the studio had been trying to interfere with it and lighten the tone. Who wants a Wolverine flick that's more like the Fantastic Four? Apparently Fox did until The Dark Knight hit it big. Now, rumor has it that they're backing off the flick and letting the director do his job. Hope that's the case. I like what I've seen thus far.

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