Saturday, December 6, 2008

  • Got to work in the snow. It was...pleasant.

  • Nearly finished my Christmas shopping. A couple more things on the next paycheck and we'll be good to go.

  • Managed to get my greedy little paws on an N64, Goldeneye, and WCW vs. NWO: World Tour for our "old school" New Year's party. Should be fun: I'm hoping to have the video games set up in the now heated garage (as opposed to years past when there was no heat in there), some board games set up in the dining room, food in the kitchen, and music and movies wherever else.

  • Also got my mitts on two 4-packs of Founder's Breakfast Stout. In my experience with beers, I've only seen it the one time that we managed to get two cases of it in at Gendler's back in 2006. It flew off the shelves and we were never able to get any more. It just so happened that I came across a newly opened case of it. Damn stuff is kind of expensive. And somehow, I've only got three bottles of it left. Hmmm, how did that happen?

  • Still trying to figure out a shooting schedule for early 2009. Looks like some smaller experimental work in the first three months followed by a 30 minute short in April. We'll see how that goes.

  • I've been doing a lot of research into the Battle of Carrhae. I've had an idea for a story that's revolved around the battle for close to seven years and finally, I've decided to write it.

  • FEMA might get you. Better watch out.

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