Thursday, November 13, 2008

  • I'm still trying to get over this flu/cold/virus whatever the crap it is that I have. Daaaaang. I've been sick on and off for about three weeks now. No kidding. I'll be "healthy" for about two days and then it hits me again. What is up with that? These last couple of days, I've been upping the vitamin intake, as well as doing some herbal tea. Also, as I speak, I'm enjoying some Templeton Rye Whiskey in an attempt to sweat this thing out. It's also doing a fairly good job of loosening my back muscles which have been sore and tight ever since it got cold. Probably should start walking to keep the muscles loose.

  • I've been on a creative kick these last two days. Something Guillermo del Toro said in an interview about keeping busy with movie making because it's fun and not real work put me in this mood. I got to thinking about it and came to the conclusion that, yeah, he's right. So, I'm trying to make better use of my time and do this stuff that I enjoy as opposed to sitting at home and vegging out. As such, I wrote up a five-page game plan for what I want to do with Silent TS in the foreseeable future. Also, I've written three short scripts in the last day or so. They have to do with my new philosophy of shooting individual scenes as opposed to short movies. I want to improve my directing and cinematography skills and that's easier when you are only working on a two-page scene as opposed to a fifteen-page short movie. I'll probably begin analyzing those scripts and prepping shot lists in the next week or so, with the intent of shooting them once I get my computer fixed before this month is out.

  • I like my NES-compatible gaming system. I'm getting frustrated my by levels of sucktitude on some of these old games though. Darn it, I don't remember them being this tricky. In truth, I'm probably just so out of practice on 2D platformers and gaming in general that my suckiness is well earned. I'll keep practicing - "Super Mario Bros." I will beat you yet!

  • Potentially going to see "Spamalot!" in Peoria in January. I'm thinking of scrapping my original birthday plans and trying to get a few friends to go down to Peoria for the weekend for this and celebrating instead. Andy and Dawn have already expressed interest. Who else is with me? (I know not Brad...he's not secure enough in his masculinity for theatre).

  • I keep thinking "World of Warcraft." Luckily for me, I don't have a computer capable of handling it. Thank the maker...

  • The last two episodes of "Clone Wars" were so/so. "Rookies" was decent but kind of cliched in the "soldiers trapped in an outpost that's under siege" way. It was every other movie like that, so it made it difficult for me to connect. "Downfall of a Droid" suffered from an absolutely horrible soundtrack. Seriously, I'm fairly certain they ripped off some of the tracks from "Bram Stoker's Dracula" in addition to just finding a bunch of generic techno music. Also, the pacing was off and it felt like they were trying to cram two episodes worth into one episode. They could have had Part One focusing on Anakin and Artoo, then the attack where Anakin loses Artoo, then do a Part Two where he goes out searching for him. Really, it was the worst episode of "Clone Wars" to date and its only saving grace was the fight with the IG-88s in the junker's spaceship. That was cool.


Orange Guy said...

Not secure enough in my manhood for theatre? That's kind of a cheap shot. How about I just don't enjoy it? For fuck's sake, I sew, bake, garden, etc. and I get called out for hating theatre?

JR Tschopp said...

Hahahaha...Of course you do.