Thursday, November 20, 2008

  • Finally played Camden II on Monday. That is one challenging disc golf course. I shot an 84 (ouch). Also, it snowed on Brad and I while playing. Not just a few flurries, but really snowed. It was EPPPPPIIIIIICCCC. I also came close to getting an ace on hole #12. Missed it by only about four feet. Still, turned out to be an easy deuce.

  • Went to Bent River on Tuesday night after picking Andy up from work. Stephanie, Brad, and Craig came down and it was a good time. Just about closed them down too.

  • Yesterday, I went and played some Halo 3 at Gabby's after work. It was funny: Gabby and Kyle were on one of the ending levels playing it with the difficulty set at "Heroic." In it, their objective was to get to the top of this platform to a control room. After numerous attempts and failures, with me just sitting there and making sarcastic remarks and generally being a smart ass (me? No...), they finally are like, "Well, why don't you do it?" They start saying how I'm probably all talk and I'm just going to get the floor wiped with me. So, knowing better, I take the controller and get damn near the top of the tower - and much, much further than the two of them combined - on my first run. The looks on their faces was priceless. "I guess Jesse does know how to play Halo." Yes, Gabby, I did.

  • There's a possibility that "Hero's Quest" may be able to be retrieved from my crashed laptop. I'll know more next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed: I really don't want to rewrite those last one hundred pages, especially since I was only four chapters from finishing it.

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