Sunday, September 21, 2008

  • Went to Brew Ha Ha, the Quad Cities' own beer festival, with Andy, Brad, Dawn, and Patty. It was great and I'm glad to have finally made it to this event. I've been wanting to attend ever since I started working at Gendler's, but I had to work for them for three years, then last year I was unemployed and without funds to make it. But finally, the fifth time's the charm. I highly recommend it and am digging Brad's idea to get there early next year and tailgate before the event. Good call, sir.

  • At BHH, Brad and I showed how comfortable we are with our masculinity by drinking some of the girlie drinks - like premixed fruity margaritas and tropical creamers. It gave us the idea of doing a "girls' night" with the guys wherein we sit around a fire in Brad's driveway and can only drink "girlie drinks" that night. I think it sounds like a winner. If we could do that, maybe some day we'll get around to having our Ewoktoberfest that we've always talked about doing.

  • After BHH, went to Red Robin with Andy and Dawn. Man, I love their Bleu Ribbon Burger. Following that, we hit up the Wine Cellar and tormented Sondra and Katie before heading back to Andy's to watch Guy Ritchie's Revolver and The Seeker: The Dark is Rising. I actually dug both flicks. Revolver is a trip and I know a lot of people don't like it. The key to it is that it's a head game, something I figured out early on and was able to go with the rest of the way. It's still strange as all get out, but I dug it and am wanting to watch it again to figure it out even more. TS:TDIR is a decent kid's fantasy flick, and for the most part, I liked it. Things get a little muddled towards the end and I think it could have benefited from an extra ten minutes or so to let it breathe. Still, Amelia Warner, the quasi-love interest in the flick isn't hard on the eyes so it's all good.

  • Been trying to figure out the direction of Silent TS. A bevy of computer problems have pretty much forced me to abandon what I had planned on doing for the fall. It makes no sense to me to shoot if I can't edit. Hopefully, this problem will be eliminated in about three weeks or so. Still, I'm not sure how much of what I'd wanted to do is salvageable. We shall see.

  • Work on my Halloween costume - samurai armor - continues. I have the upper torso cut out, but some additional heat gun work needs to be done to get the pieces into the right shape before I attach them and begin work on the lower torso.

  • My cousin Boomer is moving to Des Moines. He was offered a promotion as the Assistant GM for the Des Moines Stoney Creek Inn. Sucks for us, but is good for him.

  • Brad, Boomer, and I went yard saling earlier in the week. There, I said it.

  • Discovered that I never had transferred $50 from my PayPal account to my checking account after receiving a refund for a Sith robe I didn't receive two years ago. Of course, I discovered this right after I'd thought to myself "Man, I wish I had $45 so that I could buy all three of WestHavenBrook's DVDs." The impulse was too great to resist so I helped out our economy by shelling out the cash for Battle Jitni and the Gauntlet of Sorrow, Sockbaby, and Tao of the Meteor Serpent. At least I'm supporting other no-budget filmmakers not unlike myself, right?

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