Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"You know what I think about politics? It's a bunch of crap. It's a bunch of bullshit. It's a punch of poser, fucking, urban shit. Here's my politics: they'll tell you, they'll tell you there's no more happy days. This country *pffft* bull shit. We've got a lot of good stuff to do in this country. That's political. I'm an American. That's political." - Billy Corgan, 08-08-08 at the Adler Theatre, Davenport, IA.

I like to think that I'm a fairly intelligent guy. I might not have my B.A. yet, but I'm fairly well educated. I read on a regular basis, I research topics ranging from theoretical physics to samurai philosophy to enology to the grunge movement of alternative rock in the 1990s (as a side note, what has happened to alternative rock? The Killers, the Strokes, My Chemical Romance, etc.? Aren't they all just drawing their influences from punk and sounding alike? Shouldn't they be like neo-punk or something?). I'm a regular visitor of CNN.com, I check Yahoo's News page headlines, I keep up on entertainment news, and I visit the website for George Noory's conspiracy theory radio show, Coast to Coast AM. I'll watch most anything on TV from Ghost Hunters to the King of Queens to The History Project (which, coincidentally, was just about the Glencoe Massacre...yes, I watched it). I might have my preferences, but I consider myself for the most part, well-rounded and informed.

One of the things I've learned is 90% of everything is crap. And 9.9999% of the rest just doesn't matter.

With my back out of commission the last couple of days, I kind of began blog hopping. A few years ago, when blogging was still new, all I would find were blogs of self-centered little high school shits whining about how it was so unfair for their parents to discipline them about anything because they knew better than the adults. These days, being an idealist seems to be the trend.

I don't know how I feel about this. I can get preachy, we all know this, and at one time, I would have labeled myself an idealist. But the thing I've come to realize is, some things don't matter. People want to get up in arms about issues like global warming, the war in Iraq, taxes, Lindsay Lohan. You know what? The Earth has been going through climate cycles for a long time, wars have been happening for a long time, taxes have existed for a long time, and Lindsay Lohan is entitled to do what she wants to herself for a long time. What are these people so afraid of? That we're going to wipe out the human race? There's one of two things I find wrong with this: one, we're either here by Divine Intervention, in which case, I seriously doubt anything we do will kill us. Or two, we're not here by Divine Intervention and therefore, if we wipe ourselves out, we're only allowing nature to work its course.

So, lighten up people. Make the most out of your lives, enjoy the people around you, and spread the love.

And lighten up on the Lohan. She needs more love than you could ever possibly know.

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