Saturday, June 14, 2008

Green Giants and Monkeys and Writing

I saw two movies today. The first being The Incredible Hulk. What did I think about it? I dug it. I didn't enjoy it as much as Iron Man and I think it's telling that my favorite part of the movie is the one scene where Robert Downey Jr. shows up as Iron Man's Tony Stark, but it wasn't bad. Not in the least. In fact, I'd put it in the upper tier of the comic book movie realm. Somewhere around maybe Spider-Man or the first X-Men. It's a good step in the right direction and a nice recovery after Ang Lee's Hulk. I hope it does well, cause I'd like to see a sequel.

The other movie I saw was Speed Racer. I watched that one at the IMAX during the last showing tonight. We only sold one ticket for it and were pretty slow by the time it came around, so things were mostly done and Quinton, Jessica, and myself sat in on the showing with the one customer that we had. It was a pretty decent kid's flick. Make no mistake: it's definitely a hyper-active, neon-infused, video-game-turned-move for the younger generation, but as such, it's not bad. It's about twenty minutes too long, but I think anyone under 12 with an attention span that can make it through the movie, would eat it up. And Racer X is a bad ass.

Oh yeah, and there's a monkey (actually, a chimp - a member of the orangutan family) during the end credits that cracks me up. Monkeys make everything better. In fact, I wish EVERY MOVIE ended with a monkey during the end credits. Imagine Gladiator, with the emotional ending of the one slave burying Maximus' statues and saying "We'll see each other again. But not yet. Not yet." Then it cuts to that singing, New Agey music and a monkey comes out on screen, wearing full gladiatorial gear and reenacts the movie as the credits roll. It's genius! That is the world I want to live in. Someday. Someday...


Forward progress is still happening with "Hero's Quest." I'm about to hit another milestone, so you'll hear about that then. As well as some other bits on it. Actually, Craig's already heard about them, as we talked about it tonight when he stopped in at the Putnam and visited. He also showed me his sweet new laptop. Pretty crazy stuff.

That's about all. I've been thinking that I want to write a "serious" blog at some point as lately, all I've written is pop-related crap. It'll probably happen with my new entry on the novel. We'll see. Out.

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