Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So, I was fired today. Here's how it went down:

About five hours into my shift, I was pulled into Beth's office by Natasha and Drue was waiting in there. Beth said there were some issues they had to address. The first being, they were giving me a verbal about my drawer being off by $8.00 the other night. I signed that as I don't have a problem accepting responsibility for things I've actually done. My drawer was off, I couldn't account for it, and I was willing to face the consequences. The next issue they had was they said that I had taken a video camera into the museum and that only people authorized by the marketing department were able to do such. They wanted to give me a verbal warning for that and I told them no, that while I had taken a video camera into the museum, I had no clue that it was against policy, there was nothing posted, and as I had come in on my day off and was not on duty at the incident, they had no basis to write me up. I was a customer then, not an employee. They accepted that and then moved on to item number three. Friday night, I was the closing manager on duty and I forgot to lock the museum store. I admitted as much, as yeah, I did forget to lock it. They told me that since I already had a final written warning in my file, this was one incident too many and they were going to have to "terminate (my) employment." I told them they were mistaken: there was no final written warning in my file, that all I had in my file was a written warning, as I had kept copies of everything I'd ever been given and that they needed to bring my file down and take a look at it right there. Drue agreed and I sat there in awkward silence with Natasha and Beth for ten minutes until Drue returned.

Sure enough, upon opening my file, there was no final written warning. Drue then mentioned that I had signed a statement about a meeting Beth and I had and that she considered that a final written warning. I agreed that I had signed that, but that in the statement it said nowhere about it being any sort of a disciplinary action, that the meeting was held because Beth had said she wanted to touch base and get to know more about me, and that Katie had said a similar meeting. Beth then agreed that yes, that was the case. Then Drue said, "Well, Iowa is an employment-at-will state and we've already decided to end your termination."

So, there you have it. They didn't have any legit reasons to fire me. I'd been able to disprove their their basis for the termination and when it came right down to it, they just wanted me gone.

Funny thing is, I'd been warned a couple days ago not to trust anyone in our department and that certain people were looking to have me gone. That there are certain individuals that just don't care for others for petty reasons and were looking to get rid of them. I don't need to name anyone: a couple of you know who I'm talking about and I think a few of you suspect. Just saying to the folks back at the Putnam: watch your backs. I'm fairly certain it played into part of why I'm gone. If it's decided by them or the upstairs people that they just don't want you anymore, they'll find reasons - legit or not.

But truthfully, while I'm pissed, I'm also relieved. While I liked most of my coworkers, I pretty much hated the disorganization, the politics, and the constant backstabbing that went on. I can file unemployment and look for new work. Also, I was making plans to be gone by the end of August anyway, and had taken steps towards going to school full time and getting insurance that way. So this was kind of a moot point on their part. It just moved my timetable up, is all.

Anyway, tonight, I'm going out with friends and if any of you are out and about and looking to share a drink or two in celebration of my newfound freedom, by all means: give me a call. I'll be around.


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