Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Darjeeling Limited

What can I say about this Wes Anderson movie that can't be said about any other Wes Anderson movie? Adrien Brody gives a very fine performance. As for anything else about this tale of three brothers traveling across India, it's what I've come to expect from Anderson. It is well shot, the scenes are given enough room to breath and don't feel rushed, there are plenty of quirky characters, the script is smart, and the ensemble turns out a nice performance.

I quite liked the movie, as I have with any Wes Anderson movie. My only problem may be that while Anderson has seemed to develop his own unique style and is quite good within it, he doesn't seem to be pushing himself into new territory. A Wes Anderson movie is a Wes Anderson movie is a Wes Anderson movie. Were this the first one I'd ever seen, there's a good chance I'd have fallen in love with the movie. But after Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tennenbaums, and The Life Aquatic, it just feels like Anderson, as a storyteller, is retreading very similar ground. That's not to say this movie is bad, quite the contrary, but I think that for Anderson as a filmmaker it may be about time to pull a PT Anderson and come up with a There Will Be Blood or a Cohen Brothers and give us a No Country For Old Men.

Still, the movie was enjoyable and I recommend seeing it for fans of Anderson or others that are familiar with his work. For those that aren't, give Rushmore a try first (Wes Anderson's best offering to date, in my opinion), and if you find that style of film is agreeable, then give this one and his other flicks a shot.

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