Friday, June 6, 2008

The Last Week or So

I've got the next several days off of work and it couldn't come at a better time. I was just starting to hit burn-out mode and having four days to recharge will do me good.

Apart from work, I haven't done too terribly much in the last week. Mainly, I've been writing, and once my clothes get out of the dryer, I plan on showering and doing some more of that today. Then tonight, I am going to the Wine Cellar's wine tasting at the Moline Holiday Inn. Should be a good time - the Gendler's family will be there and I always enjoy seeing everyone from back in those days (like Dale and Steve there on the right, from the Gendler's Spring 2006 tasting).

I did go over to Boomer's the other night and play some Guitar Hero II ("Freebird!"), Grand Theft Auto IV, and of course, Halo 3. That was some good times and reminds me that I'd really like to get an XBox 360. I need some practice on the guitar controller - right now, it's fair to say I suck.

Also, I went over to Andy's house after work on Sunday. I didn't mean to stay until 3:15 am, but six bottles of wine, leek and mushroom cheese, a pound of bacon, and good conversation have a tendency to do that to me. Craig called while I was over there and came over and joined Andy (to the left), Dawn, and I.

Otherwise, it's been writing, writing, writing, working, working, working. Hopefully, the writing will eventually pay off and turn into working so that the current working can turn into playing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one. But for now, I'm off to shower, then to write, then to wine. Out.

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